Saturday 7 November 2015

In the October half term its safe to say, it was a nice break away from Brendan's life. I managed to fit in some of my favorite things to pass the time with, before its back to the madness. I love shopping, doesn't every girl? so of course I made time for a few shopping trips here and there. I love fashion enough to work in the industry and so fortunately, I increase my interest every time i'm face to face with it upon every shift. I am also interested in travelling and have been to some amazing places including all the Caribbean islands, America, Africa and Greece. Some places I would love to go in the next few years would be Dubai, New York and Italy. I have always wanted to visit the city of Verona in Italy which also happens to be my middle name (Verona) and so its only in my nature to want to know why I was named after this city.

In terms of my unique learning style, I would say I am a practical and visual learner. I love to be active when learning so I find anything project linked and visual really helpful. I find it boring and dull when I am forced to listen to a lecture for the whole time. I am really creative and perhaps that's why I love and took A level art, but I just love doing group work and developing practical skills, it helps me remember the information a whole lot better.