Wednesday 30 September 2015

Bathing in madness

The City of Bath is like lots of cities around the country mashed into one. It's full of buzzing tourists and commuting locals combining their two views of the city together and creating one big mess. It's crisply clean town houses and pretty parks create the privileged lifestyle look we all admire Bath for.
Bath is famous for its historical sites and traditional tea rooms such as the Roman Baths and Sally Lunns Buns that attract so many keen, soul seeking individuals. Take a casual stroll to the bath abbey or the flower filled gardens and you'll know why so many find Bath so picturesque and a beautiful place to live. People from all around the world come to see Bath but the truth is, they don't know the half of it.

Living in Bath all my life, I know practically every corner and cobble of every street and I know; Bath is a two sided story. If you've ever been shopping on a Saturday in Southgate then you will know your shopping trip will be filled with endless choice and opportunity... which also includes spending half your time wading through a sea of shoppers, explaining 'sorry' every time you bash your bags into someone, and choosing which shop next when walking past an endless amount of shops ranging from ted baker to primark. The sales obsessed people of this city love a bargain, and don't let the endless ques put them off. Its like an obstacle course every time you want a bottle of water to say the least.

The Bath bus station is heart of the madness with the constant in and out, moody bus driver system.Its rammed with people getting agitated, children crying, pigeons swooping and the odd instructor telling you your in the wrong bay and the bus is delayed.  It seems to be in this unfortunate city, you are either leggin' it and waving your arms because you desperately need to get to college and you know the teacher will not put up with the 'I got up late' excuse, or you are 34 mins early and sit contemplating moving to a better city with better public transport. Its safe to say, Bath is one of the most unreliable Cities there is, but that's why we all admire it so much.